
Cookies policy

The domain name: https://www.saldelatlantico.com It is owned by: Islas SEM, SLU - We use our own and third-party cookies to measure and obtain statistical data on user navigation, in turn we use marketing cookies. Configure, accept the use of cookies through the boxes shown below.

This website and the rest of the domains use cookies. We also include third-party functionalities, Google Maps, web analytics cookies, buttons that our users click, actions such as sharing on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business, Linkedin.

We may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. For all types of cookies that need consent. Some cookies are placed by third parties on our web pages.

Types of Cookies and their Purpose.

In the following link you will find all the information of the websites of
Islas SEM, SLU. If you want to revoke consent.

Visit the Type of Cookies page

What are cookies?

Cookies are small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page and these tools are used to offer users advertising based on their Internet browsing habits.

The third-party cookies that we use with our online brand are also stored on mobile devices, tablets, television, the internet of things in general on any device or computer with which we connect to the internet and that are their property. Devices, internet of things or voice cookies in general the denominators from now on cookies.

More information about cookies: Wikipedia

How to manage Cookies. Get rid of. To block. Those cookies that are not necessary.

On this website we do not store sensitive personally identifiable information such as your address, password, card details, other personal data.

You can eliminate or block, in a general or particular way, cookies in a general or particular way, cookies that are not necessary and / or third parties. First, disable cookies in your browser, second, delete the cookies saved in your browser. Block cookies that you do not consider. When you finish browsing, you will only have the necessary cookies that you can review yourself. Finally when you finish browsing, delete the cookies from this website. Please note that all browsers are different. We provide you with information in this regard. Please note that browsers can change the steps to block cookies. If you use another browser, check it out.

On mobile, check the user manual.

  • Transfer of Cookies to other recipients

The information from the cookies is used by us, with assignment to our service providers (webmaster, marketing company, computer maintenance). That they comply with data protection, confidentiality. Those third-party cookies are used and managed by external entities to provide services requested by us to improve our services, user experience on our website. We obtain statistics, behavior improvements creating anonymous patterns for our marketing and advertising services on the internet.

  • Cookies used on this website

The following Cookies are those used on this website. There are cookies that are technical and necessary and there are cookies that require voluntary and prior consent, where you can accept or deny them on the website. In any case, always check your browser according to point 3 of our cookie policies where we guide you. When you deny some cookies, some areas of the website may not function properly or may not work.

Identification of Cookies:Read and know the Cookies Policies of the technologies we use for our brand on the internet:

Facebook cookies


"Facebook: we store information in a cookie that is stored on your browser or device so that you can see the website in your preferred language for two years."

Read the cookies and get to know the cookies directly when you become a follower of our brand on social networks: Facebook, Instagram.

Instagram cookies


Active Campaign Cookies


Google Cookies: (Google My Business, SEO Positioning, Google Adwords)






  • Cookies Policy Update

Cookies and Cookie Policies can be modified on this website depending on the needs of the project and current legislation, as well as adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Any change will be communicated on our website.

  • Cookies and Privacy when you connect to the internet and our website

You as a user must know the value of cookies and how to manage them. It is true that cookies store and retrieve data to advertise with sales approach techniques. It is also true that internet advertising is generating jobs in the activity's work chain.