
Dates! Food @healthyandvegs is tasty and fun!

We speak with Haridian González, healthy food delivery in Tenerife. Get to know their dishes at: Facebook and Instagram @healthyandvegs or by phone 600877366

How did your @healthyandvegs project come about? How long have you shared it with life, with people?

After a time abroad eating a rather disastrous diet, my health tests when I returned were the worst of my life. So I decided to go for healthier foods. Not only because of my results but because I felt like my body was demanding it. This way of eating, along with exercise, helped my recovery immediately and with excellent results. 

From there, Healthy and Vegs was born, more than 4 years ago, where I can share Canarian cooking recipes and tips on healthy eating. With this project, I have always wanted to convey to everyone the importance of a healthy diet in the day-to-day life and improve our relationship with food. 

Healthy food is tasty, colorful, and easier to make than we think.

Healthy and Vegs was born after a pretty disastrous diet and the worst tests of my life

haridian-gonzalez-tenerife- @ healthyandvegs

What is the difference between the diet of a vegan and a vegetarian person?

A vegan and vegetarian are similar in that they do not eat meat or fish (everything that has to do with the killing of animals), but the vegan is even more strict. A vegan also does not eat anything that derives from them, such as: eggs, milk, cheese or honey.

What is the most common food in all dishes? Egg, avocado, flour?

The food we use the most is dates. We want to emphasize that being vegan or vegetarian is not synonymous with eating healthy. There are many people who do not eat meat but then gorge themselves on processed, packaged and without eating fruit or vegetables believing that they do it well. 

As the objective is to offer a healthy vegan meal, we do not use sugar, syrups, or processed ... We try to buy seasonal products and small farmers on the island to help local businesses. For this reason, our desserts and "sweet" dishes, which are usually the most demanded, are made up of local fruit and dates of course!

Is being vegan or vegetarian a philosophy because you feel more connected to the trees? with the environment?

Canaries in general have always been attracted to the sea and nature. The feeling of taking care of it and knowing its importance, as well as thinking about animals, is closely related to our actions, whether it be picking up a paper in the middle of the forest or reducing the consumption of animals. Everything is connected!

An example is the deforestation of the Amazon for meat production, which is increasingly unsustainable. The lung of the earth will become extinct and with it the species that inhabit it. Let us realize that 75% of diseases including Covid-19 are transmitted by animals. After all, the elimination of their habitat, manipulation along with climate change has consequences (according to WHO). 

More and more there is a conscience for the environment and for food that are clearly linked. It becomes a lifestyle in which the fundamental thing is to think that we are not alone and that we depend on the earth, and what it offers us to survive.

When do you free yourself from the flesh that is experienced? Do you breathe the air more intensely or deeply? ,

You have to know that to eat a vegan diet is not to eliminate and that's it. Many tend to this type of diet without realizing that if you remove on one side, you must also add on another. That is the fault that I constantly find. As I said before, a vegan can eat badly too.

As soon as you know that you have to eat more nuts, whole grains, vegetables, legumes ... many changes are experienced. The first thing is that you never feel more satiated with a swollen belly or heavy digestions. You realize how colorful a plate can be and the wide variety of foods that exist and that you can add to dishes.

The food will start to seem fun, the mood will be higher and the taste buds experience nuances of flavors like you have never tasted.

Tenerife is in luck! Healthy and healthy breakfasts at home!


What changes in your body if you go vegan or vegetarian? Energy? Skin? Do you taste better food? 

With a type of diet both vegan and vegetarian digestions are less heavy because they are fast and you feel satiated (you will not be 4-5 hours with a bloated stomach). Eating meat can take hours to digest, concentrating your energy to digest food. Therefore, your energy level will be increased.

The mountain of courage and strength will begin to climb. With a more natural diet, eating most products directly from the ground and fresh, both external and internal changes are evident. The skin will be smoother and shinier, the hair will be stronger and your health will be strengthened.

Personally, I started my mountain running activities 7 years ago, but it wasn't until I eliminated meat that I really realized the benefits it had on my body. He had much more stamina, he ran longer and better. I happened to double the kilometers and the times in the mountain. Hours and hours without getting tired and above all, ending as if nothing had happened.

Historically, which civilizations were already vegan or vegetarian?

Already before Christ there were vegetarian civilizations in Egypt. They did not want to kill animals or put on their skins because that would affect karma and reincarnation.

One of the most important philosophers, Pythagoras, also rejected the slaughter and consumption of animals, as well as, believed in the equality of women in society. His followers, the Pythagoreans, followed his beliefs for centuries. Although in hiding for fear of persecution and murder.

There were also branches of Buddhism (IV before Christ) that rejected the consumption of meat and that today, continue with the same practice, since almost all Buddhists are vegetarians.

How can we request orders or services from you? What services do you offer?

We currently have available breakfasts at home, pastry orders, caterers and workshops and healthy cooking courses. To request them we have our mail available healthyandvegs@hotmail.com, our social networks Facebook and Instagram @healthyandvegs or by phone 600877366.

Healthy homemade cakes. Eating healthy has never been so wonderful!

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