Book Fair in Telde 2022, article written by @loretosocorro.
The Plaza de San Juan de Telde is the chosen meeting point for all those who love books to meet and celebrate.
The day began early with the official inauguration, where Carmen Hernández (Mayor) and Juan Martel (Councillor for Culture) thanked the bookshops and publishers for their participation and were happy that books, and the entire world that revolves around them, return to which is your party.
The magic that only exists in stories, invites us to travel more than ever and is accompanied by a great desire for the fair, full faces where smiles are no longer things of the imagination and curious eyes. Eyes of schoolchildren who in small groups golisneando by the booths and sang accompanying the sound of the stories heard. Curious eyes that were not sure if they were taking off their mask or not. Eyes of reflex, digital and mobile cameras.
Behind this event there is a group of people -the almost hidden fairies of the Telde Libraries-, who have dedicated months to offering various activities. Success is seen as soon as you enter because those who offer and those who visit the fair, to stroll and to buy, are enjoying themselves.
The Telde Municipal Music Band took us through very distant galaxies and made us look up to the sky hoping to see Mari Poppins… With more and more music, the Telde Municipal School of Music, Dance and Theater was entertaining the afternoon while the kids ran around a wooden boat. Adults and children are enjoying activities such as the presentation of books by writers: Francesc Miralles, Ángeles Jurado, Juan Ramón Tramunt, Miguel Fabián and María Jesús Alvarado.
In addition to letters, books are images: when we read we imagine the faces of the characters or the landscapes, although they are also illustrations and that is why a meeting of illustrators has been promoted, where Álex Falcón, María Arencibia and Javier Afonso have been.
The first day of the first Book Fair, in San Juan de Telde, ended with an emotional tribute to José L. González-Ruano, writer.
In Telde, this year, fun is guaranteed. This has only just begun: “Travel, Myths and Legends” this fair will be remembered not only for being the first face-to-face after the pandemic, but also because this slogan opens the way to a world where we can discover other universes, in the company of books and the activities planned for this annual event: shows for families with parades and storytelling sessions; the creation of a mural, which due to its way of realization promotes the cooperation of the people who visit the fair: during the morning it was started by the illustrator Irene León, who is the creator of the official poster, accompanied by young people from the municipality and it was pure fun for those who participated.
The support for new authors and the participation of others as established as the writer Santiago Gil and the filmmaker Armando Ravelo, who this time will present us with his literary work, are some of the upcoming events that no one should miss on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of april.
Culture is still alive and books breathe at the top of their lungs the sea breeze from the water at the bottom of the sea… between “Travels, Myths and Legends” in the city of Telde.